Saturday, November 2, 2013

Abaqus.rpy - Human readable writing

In Abaqus.rpy file, the commands performed in the CAE are recorded. But sometimes the transcription is not easily understandable, like:
faces1 = f1.getSequenceFromMask(mask=('[#50 ]', ), )
which could be expressed as well by:
faces1 = f1.findAt(((0.0, 3.0, 1.0), ), ((0.0, 3.0, 3.0), ))

To force the transcription in the 2nd format, one should execute the command:

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

[Abaqus] job options

A list of possible options and their values may be found in the .com file:

options = {
    'mp_file_system':(DETECT, DETECT),
    'mp_host_list':(('XXX', 6),),
    'mp_mpirun_path':'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft HPC Pack 2008\\Bin\\mpiexec.EXE',
    'mp_rsh_command':'dummy %H -l user1 -n %C',

Monday, March 18, 2013

[abaqus] automatically overwrite existing files

When a job is launched, Abaqus checks if there are pre-existing files with the same names as those it wants to write. If it's the case, the user is asked whether he wants to overwrite them or not. To overwrite without questions, just have to add "ask_delete=OFF" in the command line.

For instance:
abq6101 job=myJob cpus=8 memory=14GB interactive ask_delete=OFF

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

[windows] Retrieving the IP address of a web server with windows

just have to launch the command window:
cmd /k

and then ping the server:

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

[Matlab] Dealing with apostrophe ' in strings

Defining a figure title as E' (E prime), the apostrophe ' has to be enterred twice :

Monday, November 19, 2012

[.eps] bitmap -> .eps for several files at once

The automatic conversion of several bitmap files (.png for instance) to their .eps counterparts may be performed very efficiently using a linux OS. Just have to type in a terminal the command "mogrify -format eps *.png" !